
  • WPFC's main focus is to develop each individual player technically and tactically within the game. As coaches we need to ensure that we are consistently creating good habits in order for our players to succeed. Success will not be measured in the Win Loss column but on the fact of did the players demonstrate what was learnt in training?
  • Did the players show an understanding of what was asked of them tactically?  Did the players match the work rate and intensity of their opponents?  If they do these things then results will follow. It is extremely important that we NEVER sacrifice good habits for winning games. Results will come because of the good habits that have been created.


    • We are adding technology in to our program to track player progress and to ensure each individual is continuing to develop. Trace Up is a technology software that gives coaches, players and parents a progress report every time the player steps on to the field.
    1. Trace Up tracks
    2. Minutes played
    3. Heart Rate
    4. Distance Ran
    5. Sprints per game/session
    6. Sprints per area on field
    7. Positioning on field through heat map
    • What may be the best thing about Trace Up is that each individual player gets sent a highlight video of the game straight to the parents phone after each match. The technology tracks every time the player touches the ball and records that instance for their very own highlight reel.

  • It is our belief that players should not be pigeon holed in to "their best position" until U13/14. We want to ensure that players are becoming well rounded players and have an opportunity to truly show what their best position is and not just where they are athletically successful.

  • It is required that all teams play out of the back to ensure possession of the ball. We want our players to become comfortable on the ball no matter where they are on the field and be able to make decisions and consistently play with a purpose.

  • WPFC is fortunate to have some of the best coaches in the area as well as guest coaches that work with our players individually on position specific sessions.
  • Our Forwards, midfielders and defenders have the option to work with Richard Shaw (Former Crystal Palace & Coventry City defender) and Lawrie Dudfield (Former Leicester striker) through out the season and off seasons. Our Goalkeepers can work with Juan Yepes who has coached for a number of clubs in Europe and the Portuguese women's national team.

  • WPFC have implemented a futsal program in to their curriculum to enhance players speed of thought, speed of play and technical ability. This allows players to play a varied version of the game designed to increase important aspects of the game.